Captain’s Monk has become the 4th Triple Crown Champion in Track King History

Exclusive Interview

Another Super horse Immortalized in Track King History Books

Champions are made from something they have deep inside of them-a desire, a dream, a vision.” “Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark.” Captncrusoe and his Champion horse Captain’s Monk fit this bill for sure and will be immortalized in Track King history forever!


Q: – Congratulations GM-Captncrusoe, I am sure your are lost for words, but how does it feel to be the fourth stable owner trainer to win a Triple Crown Series on Track King?

Phew mate, just glad its over. I have been sweating bullets the last few days.  But really happy to pull it off and be added to that illustrious group of triple crown winners.

Q: – When did you realize Captain’s Monk had a real good chance to win the Triple Crown?

After his win in the Champagne Preview I realised I had something special. He did it so easily. He really is a easy horse to train, and has never showed any IP issues.

Q: – Honestly, did you ever envision or think you’d win the Triple Crown?

No matey, it has always been a goal, but never thought I would be able to do it. It really is hard to win and you need a few things to go your way.

Q: – What are your future plans for Captain’s Monk? Any more attempts at Triple Crowns for him?

I think he has done enough now to take a break, as many know, I don’t race for money etc. He will be kept in cotton wool, trained hard for the few age cups that are left for him, and then hopefully one day achieve some success in open cups. He has nothing more to prove to me.

Q: – Soon after the race, I noticed that you gave Captain’s Monk a big hug. Did you say anything to him before he returned back to the barn?

Ah, you noticed. He just said “You can relax now Boss, I took care of it”. For that he deserves a hug, don’t you think so?

Q: – Would you consider this your greatest win or achievement on TK ever?

Each win in TK is special, but this is close to the top of them.

Q: – What’s been some of the reaction to your win?

I have received a few mails from people that I respect in the game, they have realised what just happened.

Q: – You have joined a very small elite club of Champion Stables and Horses, Angel’s Flight’s, Relaunch, Manor Park, Kingsman,  and Dr Stables, Angel From Hell, how do you feel now knowing that you are part of that special group? 

To see Captain’s Monk added to that great group of horses is special matey. Very special indeed.

Q: – This season marks the 1oth Anniversary of our first Triple Crown winner how ironic is it that you accomplished this feat in Season #43, just two and a half years ago it just seems to feel special don’t you think?? 

Wow, yeah, did realise its the 10th anniversary. More reason to crack open a few more bottles of champers.

Q: – What are your thoughts on the Triple Crown Series? Do you think it makes the game more exciting and challenging and should it remain a permanent fixture of the game?

The Series is a great concept, but dependent on the good people in the game, the SPONSORS. Without their support there won’t be any cups, and for us to have a go at the triple crown series. They pay for it with real money, for our enjoyment, no one else. My series win wouldn’t have been possible without longtime sponsors like Hareeba, Rafindale and the Alliance group. To them I say THANK YOU.


Thank you GM-CaptnCrusoe for taking the time to answer some questions about the amazing feat that you managed to accomplish today. Best of Luck going into the new season with your Triple Crown Champion and the future Champions in your stable.

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