Dear Track King

Dear Track King,

From the moment
I found you, and after
A few thrilling victories
I knew one thing was real
I fell in love with you

A love so real I gave you my all
From my time and mind
To my spirit and soul

As a grown man
Passionately in love with you
I never saw the end
I only saw the beginning
Of a beautiful horse racing game

And so I took on the challenge
Studied some of the best stables around
Dreaming of one day becoming a champion stable owner
You asked for my time
I gave you my heart

Because it came with so much more

I played through the ups and downs
Not because competition called me
But because “YOU” called me
I did everything for “YOU”

Set alarm clocks to get up in the middle of the night to re-hire jockeys

Got up in the early wee hours of the morning to enter or watch races

Because that’s what you do
When someone makes you feel as
Alive as you’ve made me feel

You gave a grown man thrills of being a champion
And I’ll always love you for it
But I can’t love you obsessively any longer
Last season is all I had left to give

10 years to this date, you’ve entered into my life
My heart can take the thrills
My mind can handle the grind
But my apathy knows it’s time to say goodbye

And that’s OK
I’m ready to let you go
I want you to know now
So we both can savor every moment we had together

The good and the bad
We have given each other
All that we have

And we both know, no matter what I do next
I’ll always be that kid at heart
In a grown man body

You did all your training preparations

You gave the jockey his final race instructions

You wait with anxiety as the clock ticks down to post time
Excited as the bell sounds and the horses pop out the starting gate
The race is now in the hands of the jockey

Down the backstretch 

Around the far turn

AND down the stretch they come…

Love you always,

Angel’s Flight Founded: January 22, 2010 – Retired: January 22, 2020

TK Nuts say Farewell to an Angel

Total Won:67

 3yo Middle trophy

The Emerald ShoeEpona trophyAussie Clothing Down Under trophyPlatinum trophyPrinces trophyEpona trophyAustralian Spring Guineas trophyEpsom Derby trophyDiamond trophyAustralian Spring Guineas trophyLowe trophy3yo Middle trophyPlatinum trophyAussie Clothing Down Under trophyPegasus trophyMovember trophyPlatinum trophyGrand Prix trophyGolden trophyAmethyst trophyThe Emerald ShoeAussie Clothing Down Under trophyAustralian Spring Guineas trophyGrand Prix trophyDiamond trophyAussie Clothing Down Under trophyLancelot World trophyMelbourne trophyKings trophyGrand Prix StakesSires ProduceSires ProduceChampagne StakesSires Produce3yo Triple CrownSires ProduceChampagne StakesChampagne StakesChampagne StakesGrand Prix StakesSires ProduceGolden SlipperTrack King trophyAmethyst trophy


Total Won:10

Pink Diamond Ribbon trophyMagic trophySprinters trophyMagic trophySprinters trophyClass 1 Classic trophyClass 1 Classic trophyClass 1 Classic trophyClass 1 Classic trophyClass 1 Classic trophy

Total Won:47

Class 4 LeagueClass 3 LeagueClass 2 LeagueClass 1 LeaguePeoples trophyWho Dares trophyDuke of Lancaster trophyClass 1 LeagueKING GEORGE VI trophyCommon trophyClass 1 LeagueHalf A Century trophyWho Dares trophyCommon trophyJewelled trophyClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueVermilion trophyClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 LeagueClass 1 League

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