Track King Nuts – Season 38 Award Winners

A New Day


Thank you to everyone who voted for the TK Nuts Awards Nominees, the community’s response has been amazing!
Interestingly, the public and panel votes were very similair and only a few of the very close categories were swung by the panel’s votes – while awards can be a controversial subject at times, it’s good to see many of us have common views on the achievers in the game.

For those nominees that missed out on an award this season – it may have been by 1% or 20% – unfortunately there can only be one winner in each category and the fact that you or your champions were nominated, means that your achievements have been recognised.

Congratulations to all the Season 38 Winners!


Horse of the Season
Champagne Wishes
Blackjack Farms
Stable of the Season
Dixon Racing
Stable To Watch
Pops Stud
2yo of the Season
Captain’s Quest
St Simon Racing
3yo of the Season
Captain’s Secret
St Simon Racing
4yo of the Season
Red’s Haku
Reds Breeding Stud
5yo  of the Season
Bounty Hunter
Angel’s Flight
6yo of the Season
Naksup Alien
7yo of the Season
Shadow Warrior
RCS Locos
8yo of the Season
Angel’s Flight
9yo of the Season
Manor Park Stud
10yo of the Season
Secret Phantom
Dixon Racing

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