Angel From Hell wins Triple Crown

Exclusive Interview

The Real Deal

The power combination of trainer DR Stables and jockey Dominque Donlin have enjoyed a feature purple patch and Angel From Hell put the cherry on top of a glorious few weeks in winning the The Great Sphinx Cup, the 3rd leg of the Triple Crown on Saturday at River Nile Delta Racecourse. And what a day as Angel From Hell marched in the hallowed footsteps of Relaunch and Kingsman to become TK’s 3rd Triple Crown winner. After the Ascot Vale and the 3yo Breeders Cup Short, the only question was whether she would stay – and that she did. Angel From Hell faced stiff opposition from some of TK’s leading 3yo short runners – but the beautiful bay proved more than equal to the task, skipping clear in the final 100m to win as she liked.


Q: – Hi Daniel, I am sure your are lost for words, but how does it feel to be the third stable owner trainer to win a Triple Crown Series?

My hearts still pounding. She is an amazing horse. To be mentioned in the same sentence with two great players as Manor Park and Angel is unbelievable.


Q: – When did you realize Angel From Hell had a real good chance to win the Triple Crown?

After she won it. lol. I thought after winning last week the way she did that she had a pretty good chance of pulling it off. She’s a special horse, but going into the Sphinx I thought maybe her lack of short and dead experience maybe too much to over come.


Q: – Honestly, did you ever think you’d win the Triple Crown?

No not at all. It takes a lot of racing luck and training to get a horse right for three cup finals, especially when there at two different distances.


Q: – What are your future plans for Angel From Hell? Any more attempts at Triple Crowns for her?

Angel From Hell will get back to training for sprint races. Training for two short cups got her a little behind the sprinters her age. She will race in the Amethyst and Breeders Cup sprint next season and if she is lucky enough to win those cups she probably will try to win the Epona short cup in hope of winning a second Triple Crown.


Q: – Soon after the race, I noticed that you gave Angel From Hell a nice kiss. Did you say anything to her?

She’s a terrible kisser. I just told her I knew she had one more in her. That was an exciting race. Thought I would have a heart attack watching her. She backs up and keeps coming back.


Q: – We’d guess that you are set for one of your biggest seasons ever. Would that be accurate?

I would say so. I didn’t think I would ever top last season when I won 5 cups, but when you have a horse like Angel From Hell anything is possible. The Triple Crown is just the cherry on the cake. If she can keep improving next season could be my best season ever. The stable will go as far as she takes us.


Q: – What’s been some of the reaction to your win?

Angel was the first to congratulate me and to Welcome Me To The Triple Crown fraternity. Pedantic 32 sent his congrats and said” That run in the Sphinx was a masterclass for all of us budding cup winners – simply brilliant”. Captaincrusoe wrote” Unbelievable win Daniel…well done…just awesome awesome!!!!
Three top notch players in my book. Pedantic and Captaincrusoe are two up and coming stables to keep an eye on.


Q: – What are your thoughts on the Triple Crown Series? Do you really think that a Triple Crown winner will draw more stables to enter cups and boost the numbers?

It’s a tough series. To race and win at two different distances is tough. Than throw in the different track conditions makes it double tough. It’s hard to prepare a horse for multiple distances and track conditions.
I don’t think a Triple Crown winner will draw more stable to enter cups. I think you’ll always have players like me that will enter cups regardless of their chance of winning. Than you have some players that only enter if all conditions are right for their horses. I can’t see a boost in cup entries just because someone won the Triple Crown. I don’t think the numbers increased when Manor Park and Angel both won Triple Crowns on the same day.


Thank you DR Stables for taking the time to answer some questions about the amazing feat that he managed to accomplish today. Best of Luck going into the new season with your Champion filly!

One thought on “Angel From Hell wins Triple Crown

  1. Kringe

    Well done DR – the Doctor of Track King (if I may call you that) , you are a champion bloke and a champion trainer, and you give us all something to aspire to, and something to chase.

    Absolutely Inspirational

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