“If You’re Looking For Trouble You’ve Hit The Jackpot”


This next stable were about to introduce is an Up & Coming Rising Star on TK,. His stable was founded on 28th Sep 2013, and 3 years later he is making a name for himself. 4 World Cups victories and 1 Regional Cup along with several league victories and top 5 finishes. He continues to turn heads as he continue to climb the ladder to success.

Without further ado lets give a BIG warm TK Nuts welcome to the stable known as Trouble Racing;





Q – How did you come across TK?

  • “Out of pure boredom. I was searching for a online racing game and came across TK. Having spent many hours back in the day playing G1 jockey on PS2 when I came across TK I thought shit yeah!”

Q – Any particular reason you named your stable trouble racing?

  • “Thought it had a nice ring to it [ long overdue apology to troublemaker]”

Q – You started the game in 2013, do you still remember your first race?

  • “Was a week two league race. Case Winalot Magic, went ok

Q – If you could start over, what would you do differently?

  • Would have kept all my starter horses as I sold two of them before they hit the track, and stayed away from auctions for a season.”




Q – Your first world cup is always special, tell us about your first winner Idiot Wind? 

  • “It wasn’t the most fancied runner going in [ $19,00 chance] but I knew the horse had plenty of heart and would be a chance. The race was tight for a quarter but I thought he wasn’t really challenged after that and went on to win convincingly.”

Q – Any other memorable races that stands out for you?

  • “Idiot Wind has gone to win the Aussie Clothing Down Under Sprint and the Up and Coming Sprintstar. Definite standouts.”

Q – How do you plan a race, do you weigh up the opposition or run your own race?

  • “If I think I have the dominant runner I run my own race but if I don’t I will put the work in.”

Q – Do you still get nervous before a cup final?

  • “Haven’t won all that many I do dream of glory. More excited than nervous.”

Q – You are doing extremely well at Adelaide in league this season, a league full of human racers, is it one of the most enjoyable aspects of TK for you?

  • “Whether it’s a full track at Adelaide or a not so full track at  Inner Sydney were I was a couple of seasons ago my enjoyment comes from genuine competition. As long as I’m racing against  someone who’s trying to beat me I find the racing satisfying.”




Q – Which do you consider to be the best horse you have trained to date?

  • “Idiot Wind”

Q – Which horse in your stable currently is your favorite and why??

  • “Blonde On Blonde never fails to give its all and a great name, am I right?”

Q – Which of your horses do you feel would be worth following over the next couple of months? 

  • “Wormwood is a talented short horse who will running in the Epona in a couple of weeks but has some real stiff opposition to overcome. Shudda Been A Muddy is a five year old sprinter who is ready to challenge DR champion runner Angel From Hell. My gelding was able to beat her in a stakes race last up and was confident he could repeat the dose in the Aussie Clothing Down Under Sprint but it seems the race has dropped of the cup calendar.”

Q – Which are the horses that left the biggest impact on you, from other stables?

  • “Ran Gunsynd [a long horse ] in the final of the Movember Crown just to be on the same track as Manor Park’s stallion Kingsman. 28 starts 26 wins 10 World Cups Triple Crown winner, let’s move on I’m starting to drool!!!”

Q – What are your plans for the future and what is the one thing you want to achieve most in TK??

  • “I would like to train a decent medium runner and win a Breeders Cup for the shorter term.”

QIs there anything you would like to share to stables who would like to try training good younger horses especially those 2 to 3 year olds?

  • “Train them hard,use training track, don’t over race the first couple of seasons.”

Q – Favorite style of horse you like to race with?

  • “Don’t really have a favorite but not keen on training a unpredictable or a early sprinter.”




Q – If you had to name the most important things or features in the game that have kept your interest here in TK, what would those things or features be? And, why?

  • “Love training the youngins!”

Q – Name three things you would like to see changed on TK?

  • Would be interesting if the race instructions were taken a step further to 1/16 and see the impact it would have.
  • Players be informed when a established cup is not being run [Frustrated as hell at the minute].
  • Be able to change a rider on the horse without scratching the runner. The argument that it would mess with betting doesn’t wash with me. Unless its a apprentice I don’t take any notice of the jockey when having a punt and I doubt anyone else does.

Q – Is there something in TK that you would want to change that would reflect something in real life horses/situations?

  • “Not really.”

Q – What irks you the most in this game?

  • “Losing!”

Q – What is the one feature of the game you cannot get your head wrapped around?

  • “Jockey and Trainers comments. I think the Parables of Jesus are easier to understand.”

Q – What motivates you to play this game day in and day out?

  • “People like yourself and the passion it inspires.”



Q – What is the best advice you’ve been given in playing this game?

  • “Concentrate on what I’m good at and don’t get involved in slanging matches in the forums.”

Q – What are the most common mistakes that you see other experienced players making? Mistakes that they may not realize that they are making?

  • “Not sure about others but sometimes I don’t go as hard as I could go in the big races.”




Q – What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

  • “I’m  a born again Christian and a Bob Dylan nut!”

Q – How do you like to spend your free time?

  • Reading, working out and hanging with friends.”

Q – Who in Track King is on the guest list for your ideal dinner party and why?

  • “Lozzy, Chop Chop and Taylor Swift [The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak]. No really. Woodchucker [all round genuine bloke], DR [seems like a good guy] and my old friend Jake of Jem Enterprises.”


I would like to say it has been a great honor to have been given the chance to interview you matey.

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