Hi Everyone, I’ve decided to start a seasonal ‘awards night’!
Poulton’s Perspective – Season 55 Winners

Hi Everyone, I’ve decided to start a seasonal ‘awards night’!
St Simon Racing Captain’s Quest Captain’s Crusade Captain’s Quest Captain’s Muse Captain’s Crusade Captain’s Monk The Princes Pennant The Lancelot World Memorial The American Cup The Golden Slipper The Track King Open The Pegasus Plate Race replay Race replay Race replay Race replay Race replay Race replay Bristol Turks Iron…
St Simon Racing Captain’s Monk Captain’s Monk Captain’s Knight Captain’s Crusade Monsun Captain’s Monk The Lowe Guineas The Australian Cup The Aussie Clothing Down Under Short The Aussie Clothing Down Under Epic The Fast ‘n Furious The Jewel Of The Mile Bristol Turks Heatseeker Whispers Rollin In The Deep Iron…
Dixon Racing Secret Brainteaser Secret Diza Secret Dynasty Wolf Power Secret Agenda Goldmark Secret Agenda The Amethyst Trophy The Epsom Derby The Halo Cup The 2yo Long Breeder Cup The Track King Masters The Great Sphinx Cup The Track King Open St Simon Racing Poseidon Captain’s Monk Captain’s Crusade Captain’s…
All ages The GnuMAD Cup 06-Jan RIVE Poseidon St Simon Racing 3yo The Australian Spring Guineas 20-Jan SYDN Captain’s Monk St Simon Racing 3yo The Ascot Vale Cup 20-Jan SYDN Gemzarstarz woodchuckers 5-10yo The Princes Pennant 20-Jan SYDN Christastarz woodchuckers 5-10yo The Paupers Kettle(OR 50) 20-Jan LOND Slattocks Croft Snowey’s…
Dixon Racing Secret Brainteaser Secret Emperor Secret Sentinel Secret Agenda Secret Agenda Secret Dynasty Secret Sentinel The Ascot Vale Cup The Lowe Cup The Lowe Guineas The Track King Open The Melbourne Cup The Epona Cup The Jewel of The Mile Manor Park Stud Val Shine Tuna Ted Pickens Patrobas…
3yo The Australian Spring Guineas 14-Oct SYDN Highly Arrogant Angel’s Flight 3yo The Ascot Vale Cup 14-Oct SYDN Secret Brainteaser Dixon Racing 5-10yo The Princes Pennant 14-Oct SYDN Maximus Meridius Blackberry Farms 5-10yo The Paupers Kettle(OR 50) 14-Oct ARDE Injury Cookie ghanainternational 5-10yo The Paupers Kettle(OR 50) 14-Oct MATO Val…
Onwards and Upwards…
3yo The Australian Spring Guineas 15-Jul SYDN Big Poppa Pump Priceless Speedsters 3yo The Ascot Vale Cup 15-Jul SYDN Pharoah Hanover Happy Skipper Stable 5-10yo The Princes Pennant 15-Jul SYDN Secret Aurora Dixon Racing 5-10yo The Paupers Kettle(OR 50) 15-Jul MEDI Injury Cookie ghanainternationl 5-10yo The Paupers Kettle(OR 50) 15-Jul…
Dixon Racing Secret Aurora Secret Emperor Secret Antagonist Secret Legacy Secret Brainteaser Secret Illustrador Secret Dynasty Secret Agenda Secret Legacy The Princes Pennant The Diamond Cup The Eclipse Cup The Platinum Plate The Golden Slipper The Track King Open The Great Sphinx The Melbourne Cup The Golden Eights Manor Park…