Here Comes Trouble

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This next stable owner we are about to introduce is part of the furniture and one of the top stables of the game in terms of racing and breeding. The stable was founded on 01st October 2008. He has won a total of (33) World Cups, (5) Regional Cups, and many top 5’s and first place league wins from around the globe. He has also bred and trained some of the best horses in the biz with Hall of Famer Wild Smokey, Wild Athena, Wild King and Godzilla, just to name a few.

Without further ado lets give a BIG warm TK Nuts welcome to the one and only troublemakers stable:


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Q – Can you tell us a little about yourself?

  • Well there is not too much I could tell you really, I was born in Venezuela, I’m 34yo and live in Poland, married with the most wonderful and supportive woman on earth and have a 5yo son that keeps me busy everyday.

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Q – How did you come across TK?

  • By accident, I was looking for Gallop Racer videos, I was addicted to that game on the PSX, and few mins later I was reading about trackking I don’t know how.

Q – Any particular reason you named your stable Troublemaker?

  • Oh, yes, Troublemaker is the nickname I used to play Counter Strike on the PC, so I used the name on every single online game I played in the past.

Q – You started the game in 2008, do you still remember your first race?

  • Sadly no, I don’t remember my first race, but probably was a league race, I’m not sure tho.

Q – What have you done to keep the passion up to play for so long and have such good success?

  • Well, to be honest I struggle to find the early passion I had for the game, the game became too repetitive for me, and during all years I have been playing I stopped for a while and came back, like right now that I’m back at training some donkeys for the future. One important thing I have to point out is that the friends I made here are those who keep me around.

Q – If you could start over, what would you do differently?

  • Oh mate, I would for sure train only one horse for each age group, its a pain in the butt when all your good horses are gone due to age, and the ones that comes behind are still too young to race on strong leagues. Also, in the early stages of my TK time, I didn’t bother with XP, If I were to start again I think I would put more effort on that part.

Q – How long did you take to find your feet in the game?

  • Long… Spent few years running a league with my friends, we were like 8 or 9 players on Mendoza track, had a lot of fun with those guys, we even had our Spanish forum track back then. It wasn’t until HB introduced the chat that I started to understand the game and decided to give that first huge step.

Q – Who for you, influenced you most in the game, was it one or many and do you encourage others to seek out other players to bounce ideas, so that they might fast track their own progress?

  • There was a time I wasn’t making enough money weekly to pay for expenses, so my finances were a disaster, I mailed Riddley, he replied to me almost at once and asked me to email him all info about my horses, training and facilities, he advised me on how to get out of the mess and lead my way into breeding my own horses, the process was slow, but at the end it was well worth it. I recommend new players to look for help, our community have very experienced players that are always keen to help and guide new players.

Q – As one of the older stables in TK, what would be your words of wisdom to newer stables or older ones who haven’t had some degree of success and are disappointed with their stables?

  • If it doesn’t work, try something new, don’t get yourself stuck into silly experiments, look around and check the winner stables for hints, their races are a great book of knowledge waiting for you, the RAT tool is a blessing, use it!, set yourself training plans and stick to it.

Q – What is one thing you wish you knew when you started the game?

  • Wish I had bet more…

Wild Smokey


Q – Your first world cup is always special, tell us about your first winner Wild Smokey?

  • Oh, I still remember that one for sure, I saw the race and had a broken heart, the race viewer had Discman in front by a nose, and I went with my wife for some beers, and 2 hours later I came back and noticed I actually won!

Q – Wild Smokey was one of the greatest milers in the game and he still holds many world records, do you think you ever got to the bottom of him?

  • I think I he was a very strong horse, and I did not have much experience back then, I think I could have done even better with him.

Q – Any other memorable races that stand out for you?

  • Godzilla’s Fast and Furious final when he beat Min Sofa, hell of a race.

Q – How do you plan a race, do you weigh up the opposition or run your own race?

  • I plan the race yes, by watching what the rivals do in the heats, if they push too hard or go easy, you get the idea of what to do in the final if you study the rival.

Q – Do you still get nervous before a cup final?

  • No, I have a lot of fun even if I lose.

Q – How do you celebrate a really successful day?

  • With a nice dinner.

Wild Athena


Q – Which do you consider to be the best horse you have trained to date?

  • That is a hard one, Wild Athena or Wild Smokey, I can’t pick one, my heart would not let me to.

Q – Which horse in your stable currently is your favorite and why?

  • Well, right now I have no favorite, I just came back and bought some nags to try to promote, I have a couple of 2yos, the one I like the most is Futura, a filly.

Q – Which of your other horses do you feel would be worth following over the next couple of months?

  • The only one I plan to run in the near future is Futura, but I plan to add quality young horses in future.

Q – Which retired horses in the game have left the biggest impact on you?

  • That have to be Tripp Leilani, I know Patrobas was out of this world, but that mare was a show to watch.

Q – What are your plans for the future and what is the one thing you want to achieve most in TK?

  • The plan is to build a nice breeding group of horses, and win some breeder cups in future. I always wanted to win a lot of them, maybe this time around I will do it.

Q – Is there anything you would like to share with stables who would like to try training good younger horses especially those 2 to 3 year olds?

  • If your horse is not in optimal conditions to race at the age, stick to training instead of a race, that will help you to close the gap with those in front. Your chance will come, trust me.

Q – Favorite style of horse you like to race with?

  • Competitive is the one.

Q – Three current horses owned by other stables that you wish you had owned, and why?

  • I have no idea of what other stables have, as I said before, I came back to the game and didn’t check what others got. But saw a race of DR Stables not so long ago and his Hell Or High Water looks very nice.

Q – Any interest in real life horse racing?

  • Not really, but my family used to.

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Q – How do you plan your season’s matings?

  • I never plan a single season, I always pick a horse and train it to be a stud, then build the mares to make the match as close as possible.

Q – What are you looking for in a stud?

  • I always want a stud to be Top 5, height enabled, just personal preference.

Q – What do you think was your most important choice that you made in a breeding sense?

  • Join the “top 5” club, the sales were very good, and my stable made a lot of money.

Q – Who was your favourite stud and mare of all time, and why?

  • That have to be Sir Lancelot no doubt, that thing was unreal, and the mare, well hard to pick one, I saw many very good ones during the years.

Q – Any other advice to us poor breeders on how to breed a top rated foal?

  • I don’t know if I ever bred a top rated foal, but the quick 4s and regular 5s I had always did the job for me, the key is balance of stats, and luck!

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Q – If you had to name the most important things or features in the game that have kept your interest here in TK, what would those things or features be? And, why?

  • As I said, the community keep me coming back, I think that is the most valuable thing TK got, its players.

Q – Old stables that you miss or you wish were still playing?

  • Bulldog, Los Mareados, Maleconero, Contreras, just to name a few, had a lot of fun with those guys.

Q – Name a few things you would like to see changed on TK?

  • I would really like that a stable could have a window to hire their own jockeys before they are available to other stables.

Q – Is there something in TK that you would want to change that would reflect something in real life horses/situations?

  • I like the game how it is, I think maybe the weather should be a bit less predictable.

Q – What irks you the most in this game?

  • The auctions, I never understood why crap horses would have such high reserves

Q – What is the one feature of the game you cannot get your head wrapped around?

  • Betting…

 Q – Looking back at the years you have been playing, what were the accomplishments you are most proud of?

  • I won 33 world cups and bred some fine horses during the years, I’m proud of all that.

Q – Which stables do you find most difficult to beat?

  • Been a while, but ManorPark and Pedantic are strong, I’m sure a few players got nightmares with them.

Q – You’ve been in the game a long time at this point, seen many players come and go, which players do you think have had the most impact on the game in various ways in that time?

  • That have to be Zonic, I know he cheated, but you can’t take it from him, that guy did some impressive stuff back then.

Q – Over the years, how have you seen the game evolve and what are the biggest differences today compared to 4 years ago?

  • Training, was way easier back then, but if I have to be honest I like it more now after the training nerf.

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Q – What is the best advice you’ve been given in playing this game?

  • Don’t hold your horses, let them run as hard as they can,  if they get injured they will recover. Angel told me that. I bet he remember.

Q – What are the most common mistakes that you see other experienced players making? Mistakes that they may not realize, that they are making?

  • Every horse is different, you can’t train and race all horse in the same way.



Q – What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

  • Well I was death once, and doctors brought me back, that second chance I had changed my life totally, embrace your life!

Q – How do you like to spend your free time?

  • I love music, so I listen to music very often.

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Thank you for taking the time to sit down and do the interview with TK Nuts it’s been an honor!


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